Went with the basics
So I ended up wearing a black skirt but I don't think it had much impact on the date. As usual, my list is dwindling and soon I will prob. be back to normal, just a girl waiting for a normal guy to come her way. Still the date was nice (still don't know what he thought but either way it was a nice date). So much better then my last three which were painful. Life is moving on rather quickly and I still don't know what do to with my future. I am trying to figure it all out but for now it is still hazy. More on that as I figure it out. I wish I had more time to write but I have to go back to work. Be well children and thanks for the comments, keep em coming.
At 4:56 PM,
Karl said…
Glad your date went well. At least someones is.
At 6:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Gmail Ma'am?
At 8:26 AM,
flairrah said…
Thanks karl,
tastic, normal is just that normal. Not rude or unintelligent. Not socially inept or someone who thinks that girls should be seen and not heard. Normal well, really isn't normal (cause well no one is really normal, but that is a whole nother blog). But really you know normal when you go out with enough not so normal people you know normal when you see it.
At 10:57 AM,
flairrah said…
Sorry, I just realized my latest comment was written out of frustration instead of sense. For a real definition of normal one would need a lot of free time and the ability to listen to rambling, cause I tend to ramble when I am taking about how simple it would seem to be to find ones other half as opposed to how difficult it has become. But there I go again.....
I hear a blog in the making...
At 11:50 AM,
flairrah said…
all you have to do is mention the subject of dating and I start rambling...sorry hon, not you just my own meandering mind.
At 1:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
How about Frumster and/or FutureSimchas?
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