
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005

The sound of air conditioners

Today was hot and humid, the beginning of a hot and humid summer. As I walked home from my long day in the heat and humidity, I couldn't help stopping to take a moment and listen to the hum of the air conditioners on my block. Sorta like smelling the roses (if ears could smell and humming had a scent). Anyway I have not figured out how I am going to make it through the summer here (but a great pair of sandals might help). No camp for me this year which means three monthes of heat and guess what? Humidity. Yay. But the heat was worth it, I had a wonderful afternoon wandering around in it (you know what they say if you can't beat it, join it-so I embraced it) in manhatten. I was a good girl and drank lots of water (not the iced coffee I craved). I did not find the sandals (or flats of any kind) I need so badly but I did get some nice tops (not that any of you care-well if you do then we have real issues to work on here). The day was totally uninspired but in its way that is why it was so wonderful. I am easy to please a beautiful day, a little freedom and a place to explore and I am happy. As I said today (to friends) Give me a walmart, starbucks and a movie theather and I am set. How simple is the life I lead? Enjoy the heat children.

Monday, June 06, 2005

playing hookie

I am taking off tom. to pay a shiva call and pretend I am cultured. Yay.