
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Monday, May 31, 2004

You learn new things everyday

Here is what I learned this weekend (in no specific order):
1) Set is a girl game and Risk is a boy game.
2) There is no crime in Harrisburg (or at least they don't think there is any)
3) While people rarely tell you about how wonderful you are they have no problem telling you how wonderful other people are.
4) Cookies are like alcohol as attractive as they seem at the time they only make you feel worse about yourself in the long run.
5) Romantic Comedies become totally and completely silly when you are over the age of 20 and single.
6) At four in the morning things go from being totally silly to extremely morbid.
7) A bunch of HASC counselors in one room is pretty dangerous.
8) Westerns are just like any other movie once he says he loves her he can't die (ok sept Titanic but whatever)
9) There are three types of girls, hot, pretty and cute, hey there has to be more then that...
10)You can change your hair, you can change your clothes but you can't change your name only others can do that for you.

So it was a fun filled weekend and the funny thing with this post in no one person will understand the entire list, but that is ok cause most of you won't understand any of it. Just laugh and pretend like you get some of them cause humor isn't about actually getting the joke but how wonderful it feels to laugh. Have a great vacation all.

Wednesday, May 19, 2004


Yes, they have finally come out of their 17 year hibernation. Though they are not in their full glory in my area yet, it is only a matter of time. So what does this mean? For those of you lucky enough not to live in Maryland I will paint you a picture. You wake up get dressed donning your new sandals (with or with out stocking) open your door and realize that there is an extremely ugly red-eyed bug sitting right outside your door. Worse yet they litter the ground from this point well until you get in the next building. In some areas they already form a layer above the grass so that you can't even step around them. B"H we are not at that point yet. And no they are not small, and no you can not ignore them. They are here to stay,at least till they mate and die and their offspring burrow back in to the ground until 2021,when I will be far far away from here. Yes that will be a requirement for marriage, I can just picture it he (who ever he is) will ask me to marry him and I will say wait, first you have to promise me we won't be in Maryland in May 2021, oh and we need to take the subway when we are in NY (ok so I am rambling). Anyway,

So how am I celebrating this wonderful occasion you may ask. I am locking myself in my house and not stepping out until they are all gone (or when I have to leave for camp which ever comes first). Ok, so this is not an option but does anyone have a bee keeping suit they want to lend me.

If you are all bugged out and want to get away visit www.evanandjaron.com and listen to their newest song. I know I am from Atlanta and could boast that I know them, but I don't lie and I don't think meeting their kid sister once about ten years ago counts for anything. I love this song, yeah I know I should start listening to more Jewish music, but they are Jewish boys that has got to count for something.

Leave me a message if you don't want to sign up (I haven't figured out the whole comment thing yet) then leave an anonymous one and sign your name/screenname (if you want to). Just let me know what you think.

Monday, May 17, 2004

It is over, phew... Ok you all know what I am talking about don't pretend.
Ok, so now that it is over I can reflect on what I have learned from this experience.

Listen up people this is sage advice:
1) You have to want to know the guy. I don't mean whether he likes Chinese food or not. I mean you have to want to know him intimately, his dreams, his fears, what makes him tick, what makes him laugh. On the first few dates you may not know these things but you have to want to know them or you are just wasting his and your time.
2) You have to want to share with him, you have to want to share the wonders of your life with him. When you have one of those incredible moments of awakening (we all have them) you have to want to share them with him. When you fail that final or get a C on that paper you have to want to share that with him also. You have to want him to know all your quirks and the things that make you shine.
(sorry this is all written from a girls perspective for all you guys who might be reading this just substitute her or she, I am sure you are all smart enough to figure it out)

As you all probably know I have never been a real relationship with a guy so I don't know how long it takes to get this point but in my humble opinion it should be some where after the second or third date (or the first if you are lucky). It takes years to fill in the blanks (a lifetime) but if you don't even want to fill them in move on.

And if you really want to be moved check out www.danielbedingfield.com, find the little music guy in the corner of the screen and skip it till you get to "If your Not the One." (It might be there already) It is the most beautiful song. Just wanted to share. Tell me what you think.

Oh and finals are over so life is good. Leave a comment so I know that I am not talking to myself.

Sunday, May 16, 2004

Ok ya'll so know that I know that at least two people know about this site I no longer feel like I am talking to myself which is a good thing bec. for a while I felt like I might have worked at HASC for one too many summers. oh well guess not, so one more summer won't do anything.

Thursday, May 13, 2004

Ok, I got some work done so now I get to rant. Yay! No more finals till Monday. Now all I have to do is get through my date with out cicades and life will be good. Hashem can you please hold them off, I really want to go miniature golfing. Anyway, tonight I babysat for two adorable children (neither of which were related to me, amazing isn't it). The boy who seemed to be about 16 months old was very clingy which was strange since I was the stranger (having never babysat for them before). For the longest time he would not go in the crib, everyvtime we came close he would grab on to me tighter and snuggle in to my chest. So after a few attempts (and a few minutes of screaming) I settled on the couch with him snuggled up against me. He put his head on my shoulder and began to drift off to sleep. I can't tell you how wonderful it felt to have a little body snuggled in tight against me and little blond curls against my cheek. I guess those maternal hormones kicked in cause I was ready to cry at the beauty of the moment.
Gosh sometimes life just kicks you in the gut and says wake up and live and today was just one of those days. The sun was shining, the cicades are only beginning their journey out, the words flowed on to the screen as I hurried to get my papers done. What more could a girl ask for?

Thursday, May 06, 2004

Ok, so I am just trying this out to see if I enjoy posting my thoughts and dreams on the world wide web for the world to see. If it a very interesting experience at this point and know that one day it might become a bit risky but until then I don't see how it can hurt. To me blogging is such an interesting philosophy. I mean since when do people feel the need to publish their ponderings for a vast audience. I mean since the beginning of time people have been communicating, first by speech and song, then by a written history that pretty much stayed with in a small circle. Only recently have our words, both written and spoken been mass produced and sent around the world to be viewed or heard by others. For a while, even not so long ago although you could speak to a large audience or write for a large audience you had to be of the elite. Your grammar and thoughts had to be superior and your ideas had to have significance to more then just yourself. You needed a universal theme (try finding one it is not easy) and a lavish vocabulary (so no one knows what you are saying) in order for others to take note and listen. You also needed a catch be it a knack for insighting the imagination or just a connection in order to build your audience. Nowadays you just need a voice and a computer (or the use of a computer). You don't need money, you don't need power, hey you don't even need to say anything. But you can blog with the rest of them. Interesting....hmmm..I could ponder this for hours but I have a test in about an hour and a half so I guess it will have to wait.