
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Still Juggling but keeping them up

So life is crazy, if you haven't figured that out yet. Basically, I am trying to graduate, try out at a job and look for a roommate all at the same time. Not to mention figure out how I am going to get all my junk up to Ny (but not even thinking about that now). B"H it is all happy stuff. Gosh, I hope this job works out because it was really so much fun.
I wanted to share a story about how Hashem is looking out for me every step of the way. Thursday, I usually go home with a girl whose last class ends when mine does. Today, she left early so I had to get a ride with my father (who picks me up on his way back from work an hour after my class ends). Well today, my class went like 15 minutes over so it was awesome that the girl wasn't taking me home cause I would have had to make her wait and that isn't nice. Then when I got out of class I called my father to see when he was leaving work and he said he was only five minutes away from campus. How awesome was that.
So much going on in life, no time to share it all. It would bore you anyway. Have a great shabbos.


  • At 11:45 PM, Blogger TRW said…

    We LOVE listening to/reading your blogs! One thing it's not is boring ;)
    See-Hashem looks out for you with the little things-I'm sure He'll assist you with the job/apartment/roommate search as well!

  • At 1:08 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Flairrah, darling, this is the place I come to when I AM bored.......... Love your blogs. And, by the way, you must be really talented in juggling. Whenever I try to do so, it all basically comes down and cracks open like 3 raw eggs. It's simpler if I focus a little bit on each task at hand, instead of seeing myself as a juggler, if you get my drift.......
    Anonymous ;)


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