
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Sorry Y'all

I have been doing nothing, not homework, not blogging, not reading, nothing. I needed some space out time, some time to breath, so I took it and now I am making up for it. Ok, the pressure is on, two weeks, three finals and two papers (half done) to go. Going for an interview tom. hope it goes well, hope they just fall in love with me and hire me on the spot. I can dream right. That blows tom. as a work day but too bad, there is life after graduation. Then one rough draft should be done by thursday, the next by next monday (which is when test number one is). Then tuesday is test number two, then one paper due, friday the next the week after (wed) same as last final. Then I can breathe (maybe). Children we are in the home stretch. With Hashems help it should all go as is meant to go (which I am hoping is how I want it to go, but you never know) and I can move on to my next hurdle (or three). Chanukah is a time for dreamers (a title I wear with honor) so I am in my element (even if I find myself short of breath just thinking about the future). Wishing y'all a wonderful Chanukah full of dream fulfillment and the birth of even more pleasant dreams.


  • At 4:24 PM, Blogger Keren Perles said…

    You don't know how much hope this blog gave me! Chanukah is truly a special time...A time to realize where we are, who we are among, what the yevanim were trying to do to us, and what we're supposed to learn from it nowadays. Hmmm maybe I'll devote a blog to that....


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