
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Another Blog Entry

I am pretending to write a paper on blogging (half a page down, yay) and while reading up on the topic I found that most people consider a blog, a website that has many entries daily. Ha, so many of us (well those of us who blog) write an entry weekly, but anyway to fulfill my requirement (and to waste more time) I am blogging for the second time today (don't forget to read the entry under this one also).
So, I have joined Frumster again (or upgraded to the emailing level of the site). I guess this means I am throwing myself back in to the dating pool (not that I ever really took myself out) and actively searching for that darn evasive guy out there who is scared of gas stations (to understand this line you got to know my famous I am not looking for the perfect guy away message and old h.com sig.). I know this has no bearing on any of y'all lives but I thought I would share anyway (since when does anything I write about affect any of y'all anyway).
And as the start date of the Star K shidduch plan nears, I will remind my dear readers (specifically those who know me in real life-as in not cyberspace for those who don't know what real life means) that they too have a chance to cash in, if they can only find the ever evasive guy (aka my bashert) and send him my way. Thats all for now children, hope that this fulfills my blogging requirement for today.


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