
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

He is getting on my nerves

I mean really how long does it even take to ask directions. Hello, I am not getting any younger so please I beg of you just stop and ask someone for directions, it can only help the situation, I promise. And if someone directs you here, tell them you want real life directions not the stinky virtual replica. I know you hate gas stations but I am worth it, really I am.


  • At 9:35 PM, Blogger flairrah said…

    GGreen, inorder to fully understand my post (I know some of you got it) you have to have read my away message or seen my famous quote on other boards. So for all of you who did not fully understand what I was trying to write here is my motto:

    I am not looking for the perfect man, He is looking for me. But I think he might be lost and being a typical guy he is probably wandering aimlessly bec. he won't ask for directions. So if you find him can you please send him to me.
    From this I have decided that he must have a fear of gas stations...can't wait to share it with him when he shows up.


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