
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Monday, February 21, 2005

Still in NY

And still loving it, to everyone's suprise. Everyone who I tell that I am happy here look at me like I am crazy. Why is it so hard to believe? Oy. Anyway I went on a Yachad shabbton this weekend and had a blast but since I am not Natty (who I am sure has fallen off the face of blogland-guess marriage does that to you) I will not give a blow by blow, but I will say it was tons of fun and a lot of networking was conducted. Oh I wish I could share with you the random tidbits of my life but it would be to hard to capture the world I live in. I must say though that when I have real internet access (not at work) and some time (like 3 in the morning) I will try to share with you some of it. I feel like my life is a movie. Not a particulary interesting one but a movie none the less. Filled with crazy and intriguing characters and random insane moments (like getting lost in Long Island on the way to a Vort). Hope to write more soon. Miss ya'll.


  • At 12:27 PM, Blogger Natan said…

    You think that just because I'm married I fell off the face of the earth?

    Well, there's this thing called class. And another thing called wireless internet. The product of the two items is entertainment during class :)

    What I'm saying here is that I have an RSS feed to ur site, so I know when ppl update.

    Hope things are good in NY!

  • At 6:29 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Yeah, but you did have a bit of a haitus. It's allowed, though!

  • At 1:19 AM, Blogger Keren Perles said…

    Can't wait til wireless comes your way...Awaiting crazy stories!

  • At 12:25 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    so happy to hear that you're enjoying NY! :)


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