What am I looking for?
If you are trying to figure out why I dislike dating and think that asking me what I am looking for will help you are mistaken. I know tons of people who date in tons of ways and who are looking for very different things and you know what they all hate it. The shidduch system is not to blame, the secular system is not to blame. My pickiness or lack there of is not to blame. Dating is hard, Period.
That being said, here is my perfect (or not so perfect) guy in a nutshell:
He has to be a sincere, open minded, open hearted guy, with somewhat of a personality and somewhat of an intelligent mind. He must love Yiddishkiet and strive to grow in some way or another. He can't be one of those people who looks to bend halacha to fit his needs but tries to live the other way around. He does not need major money (but a job or job prospect would be nice), movie star good looks or the mind of a rocket scientist. He needs a sense of humor of some sort (though all guys think they are funny and most aren't). He needs to love children. He need not live in Ny or aspire to do so. It would be nice if he wanted to give E"Y a try.
Basically I want a guy who is more appreciative than cynical. More mature than adolescent (not just in years). More forgiving than fault finding. And more aspiring then settling.
That being said, I want a human, not and I know we are all far from perfection. I really just want someone compatible with me (cause good on paper is only good to till you meet), which is hard to explain to those of you who don't know me but obvious to those of you who do. Hope that helps, let me know, k?
Have a great night children.
That being said, here is my perfect (or not so perfect) guy in a nutshell:
He has to be a sincere, open minded, open hearted guy, with somewhat of a personality and somewhat of an intelligent mind. He must love Yiddishkiet and strive to grow in some way or another. He can't be one of those people who looks to bend halacha to fit his needs but tries to live the other way around. He does not need major money (but a job or job prospect would be nice), movie star good looks or the mind of a rocket scientist. He needs a sense of humor of some sort (though all guys think they are funny and most aren't). He needs to love children. He need not live in Ny or aspire to do so. It would be nice if he wanted to give E"Y a try.
Basically I want a guy who is more appreciative than cynical. More mature than adolescent (not just in years). More forgiving than fault finding. And more aspiring then settling.
That being said, I want a human, not and I know we are all far from perfection. I really just want someone compatible with me (cause good on paper is only good to till you meet), which is hard to explain to those of you who don't know me but obvious to those of you who do. Hope that helps, let me know, k?
Have a great night children.
At 6:03 PM,
Anonymous said…
Go Flairrah, go! Wow, for not being able to just "answer on the spot" that was pretty good! Please note the lack of Yeshiva names and "types." I'm impressed! Btw, have you been around recently? Haven't seen you for a bit... ;-)
At 7:18 PM,
flairrah said…
Sass dear is that you?
I am all over, but mostly in brooklyn, if it is you havn't seen you either. Of course I leave out all the types I don't believe in them. You know that.
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
So what does a guy do if he thinks he might meet you description?
At 7:32 PM,
flairrah said…
conntact my dating agent but I don't date anonymous blog stalkers, I need a name at the least.
At 11:29 PM,
Anonymous said…
Tehe, Flairrah, it's me, you guessed it! Been lurking but haven't signed in a while...wowee has your blog become popular or what?!? I know you left out the types on purpose and I was merely sending your blog-readers' attention to that point. If any of them wants to date you based on your blog I can't blame them...just let them know that they haven't even scratched the surface of what a gem you are! Come visit if you've got time, or if not, keep blogging...I love reading up on ya...;-)
At 10:52 AM,
Anonymous said…
Guess what?!?!?
I finished reading it :p
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
"tastic" is right. you never really know. it could be a date, a shidduch, an internet thing like sawyouatsinai or frumster, or even a fellow blogger! but sooner or later we know and we go for it.
sometimes we have to be picky and sometimes we gotta be like what the heck, why not. We don't know how Hashem plans things, and one of of those "why not!"'s seem to be working for me right now, maybe you should try and just go for it.
Who says anyone has to know and who says you need to tell them in the first place. It could be your and his own special secret.
If your not doing much now anyway, so then just go for it. what do you have to loose?
At 6:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Sniff, sniff.
I know a sniff when I sniff one.
At 7:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
interesting comments! hope you're feeling good...
At 9:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
what's a sniff?
At 8:51 AM,
Anonymous said…
- speaking from experience.
At 12:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
You might be interested in the doctoral programs from cuny
Clinical PSychology
Industrial Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Experimental Psychology
Forensic Psychology
Educational / School Psychology
Hunter College School of Social Work
Hunter College School of Education
At 2:06 PM,
flairrah said…
If I could decribe in detail what I am looking for I would have found him, cause I don't think I will know specifics till I find him. And tastic, your description is as general as mine.
At 3:03 PM,
flairrah said…
Tastic-you have my email address (hint hint)
At 4:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did anyone else notice that the comments increase in two's? I'm laughing my head off...let us know where this all goes, would ya?
At 4:36 PM,
flairrah said…
Sass, do you have internet? cause if you do I am coming over to visit more often. Just joking, actually I have not seen you in a while and would love to get together but I can't find your number, so call me. K? Will be in baltimore for shabbos, so I will send regards to your cousins, even the annoying one you introduced to my fam.
At 6:23 PM,
Anonymous said…
is there flirting going on here "tastic" and "flairrah"?
At 8:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Uhm. Duh.
At 8:47 PM,
Anonymous said…
Flairrah, may just see you on the turnpike then. (and you bet I wanna know who your ride is, after all this banter ;-) Do send my best to my cousins...thanks, you're a dear. You must admit, the kids are cute!
At 12:16 AM,
EN said…
Just go out already and let us know how it works out so we can come to the wedding. ;-)
At 7:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
hey everyone, let's not get carried away here, ok!?
anyways, this may not be the right time or place for this, but flairrah you were right ... diet pepsi is the best.
At 8:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
i'd figure with all those job and graduate school postings, being a blogger, you might be interested in this: CUNY Graduate School of Journalism,
At 9:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
also, these maybe interesting
Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing from Hunter College
or visit their English Dept. homepage http://www.hunter.cuny.edu/%7Eenglish/
Also you should know, that f you'd like to go to israel, they are always in need of English teachers, and it is very easy to find part-time jobs to work at while raising a family and running a home, and if you are interested you can always pursue creative writing and freelance journalism on the side.
At 6:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Now, now, that surely won't do. We're not trying to make decisions for anyone, just commenting when we notice certain trends. That is all.
At 8:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
i got bored so linked to that CUNY Journalism School that anonymous posted, it actually seems pretty interesting.
flairrah. what field are you in now? and what graduate schools have you been thinking about? (also, what did you major in?)
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