
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

Back to School

Can't dare mix HASC and UMBC, so here is another blog.
Today was the first day of school and it was not as bad as I thought. My new teacher is actually pretty good (at least he seems to be after fifty minutes). We are studying language and society and since I love the study of communication it should be interesting. My other classes today were Biological Psyc which will be a pain cause I hate this stuff but it seems like it will be easy (all her notes are on line) and the Psyc of Aggression and Anti-Social Behavior which should be interesting cause I dealt with it a lot this summer (and in the past).
These three class (or at least the first and last mentioned) really got me thinking about how awesome it would be to research communication and language acquisition of children with developmental disabilities as well as the use of aggression as a form of communication in people with limited communication skills. Which leads me to rethink my choice of masters tracks. Maybe I should go in to Psyc and study this (at a Doctoral level) and then go in to the schools and train the teachers in seeing things as their students do. Training them to understand how these things all go hand in hand so that they can deal with the aggressive behavior better and stuff like that. I mean I know people do this already but it would be awesome to be one of them, I would still be working in the population I love but from a different perspective. Hmmm....something for me to think about.
Wonder what tom. will be like, check back and I will let you know.


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