
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Thursday, August 12, 2004

Color War

So I know I should be sleeping but I just finished prepping for color war (which is in a few hours) and now I am to awake (six diet pepsis later) to crawl in to bed. So I am blogging. It took me six summers and many bruises, scratches and bites (most recieved this summer) for them to give me color war captain. It is an honor and I am so excited not for the kavod but bec. what is better then staying up till crazy hours just to get up the next morning to jump around camp like a crazy person. I tell you it is so relaxing. Today was my last day off since camp is ending in less then a week (a fact I am not dealing well with) and I spent it watching a stupid movie and looking for blue stockings (can you guess what team I am on). I also got to eat some over priced sushi and run back to camp to break out color war. Fun I tell you. Next week camp ends on Tuesday (the tears are falling) and then I will be spending at least a day or two in NY before I return to life as we know it. I am not looking forward to school but I am looking forward to graduating. My mother is hoping I will get engaged soon and get married the week after graduate (Dec. 24- I think) so that people will stay in town for both. I said we should have xmas trees on the tables and ornaments with the pic of the two of us hanging from them. Who thinks this is a good idea? Just joking...I know life will happen when it happens but I love it when my mother starts dreaming up crazy plans for the future that are usually based on little but are quite amusing (sept when they aren't but at 4:30 in the morning everything is amusing). Oy, time for bed Children, hope your summer was and continues to be as amazing as mine. I think I am going to kiss my girls good night and climb in to bed for a few short hours of shluff time. Sweet dreams when ever you are reading this.


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