
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Life is moving along

I know, I know I haven't written in a while, Maybe I have a life that is not online. Just maybe, ok maybe not. Life has just been to crazy to write about. On Sunday, I was stood up for the first time in my shidduch career. Yes, it can happen, still haven't figured it out (something about him getting the dates wrong or thinking he called me, I don' t know what this guy is smoking but I got to get me some). Well there goes my list.
This week had been crazy work wise but I think I am almost on top of it, only time will tell. I have decided to give up dating until I graduate (a whole two months y'all), I just don' t have the emotional energy (or time) right now to deal with men (or boys for that matter). I have my campers bas mitzvah coming up (one trip to ny) and a shabbaton that I can't figure out if I am going on or not the week after. That should do it for my travel quota for this semester. So all you people who were thinking of setting me up with the most amazing guy (I know all of you were about to), sorry children you have to wait until I have time. Ok, if he is in baltimore, I will think about it, otherwise forget it.
To change the topic: My chani is being bas mitzvahed on my birthday how awesome is that, I can't wait, I am on a diet so that I can lose all the yom tov weight and look awesome at the bas mitvah (which should be a great reunion of HASC people). Ok, so I may not look awesome (in such short time) but I will look good enough, ok.
What else, hmmm... Wait let me think for a moment. Oh the adorable boys went home and now the house is nice and quite (but I miss the little guys). Oh, and I had some amazing revelation this afternoon that I wanted to write about but well it just slipped through the crevices in my brain.
Hmmm...when I remember it I will drop everything and run to the computer so I can share it with all of y'all. Hope you're having a less insane week then I am. TRW, I know yours was crazier and I don't know how you pulled it off. G Green I think your blog is awesome I just think it is funny that you can talk about dating when the person you are dating might be reading (you never know). I think only guys have the guts to do that, I personally do not, specially when too many of you know me in real life already. I am a wuss what can I say.
Count down till I join the Yeshivish Shelf (you know become an old maid). Less then a month children till I reach the big "Why isn't she married yet, must be something wrong with her" age. All I got to say is I am well preserved for my age, don't look a day over 20.


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