Life in General
Not much going on here. Basically getting ready for the holidays, putting off homework and reading This Yom Tov season should be interesting because not only do I have school (an am missing school) but I also have work right after each Chag, so if I might just fall asleep during one of students temper tantrums this coming sunday (well that would be an interesting story and I seem to be lacking with those recently). Actually this week was quite dramatic at work, for the first time in my life I was attacked by a person who was bigger then me and for the first time I was in charge of protecting others from attack. This is all very new because I am used to violence with little children involved (being that I generally work with young mentally handicapped girls). When I am attacked by a person smaller then I, it is easy (ok easier) to handle the situation. Although it is usually painful I can most of time manage to get the person under control or at least out of range. This sunday I realized that when a person larger then you attacks (even if it is less vicious), it is a lot scarier because you feel defenseless. Now add another factor, I found when you are responsible for another and they are in danger (especially when they do not know or understand they are in danger) the fear is indescribable. B"H nothing really happened in the end and I did walk away more shaken then anything else but boy was it an eye opening experience (one I hope never to have to repeat).
See life is never dull.
See life is never dull.
At 4:38 PM,
TRW said…
Dare I ask for more info? Or are we just supposed to be left hanging...?
B"H you're okay..
At 5:14 PM,
Natan said…
Wowee, I don't remember anything like that happening on Sunday. I must have missed it. Are you sure we were in the same building?
BTW, if any kid tries messing with you or the other teachers, just send him my way, and I'll beat him up for you (insert evil grin here). But seriously, I also had to deal with out-of-control kids in camp, to the extent where they were punching, kicking, biting, swearing, etc. Definetly not fun when it happens
At 5:35 PM,
flairrah said…
Aishel, you were in the music thing when it all played out. B"H it was a short episode (two teachers calmed the student down and then someone came to pick them up)and no one was really hurt, it was just scary. I have dealt a lot with out of control campers but as I said they were smaller and for some reason even though it was more painful it was less scary.
TRW- the story is basically a student got out of control and started hitting people and pulling hair, we got out kids and ourselves out of range (in to a locked classroom-the rest of the school was in an activity we were late for) while others took care of the student. For me the hardest part was one of my girls refused to go into the assembly and was throwing a fit in the hall while the student was chasing us. B"H I got her back in to the classroom before I got more then a hair pull but it was scary all the same.
At 3:45 PM,
D said…
I completely know how you feel Flair... being that i deal ONLY with adults, and i get attacked on a weekly basis... honestly i know its easier said than done, but the main thing is to take them down and control them, running from them is only going to make them realize that you are scared and they can take advantage of you at that point. what is this gesher place, never heard of it...
At 8:17 PM,
TRW said… respect for people working with mentally disabled kids (or adults) just went waaaaaay
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