
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Sunday, June 20, 2004

I Hope You Dance

This morning I was cleaning my room to the music of Blue Fringe, when a small hand appeared on my door. Soon a small body found its way in to my room. My nephew had wandered in to my room and was making his way across the room to my stereo. He stopped right in front of it and began dancing (well bobbing but it was close). It was the cutest thing you have ever seen, he is just a year and the cutest little thing (despite looking just like my twin- just joking). It was so adorable I swept him in to my arms and twirled him around the room. We danced for a few minutes before his Ema came in to see where he had wandered. I told her to take him out so that I could finish cleaning up, but every time she took him in to the den on the other side of the basement he wandered back to my door. He kept coming in and standing in front of the stereo and if I did not run over to him he would stand with his arms straight out ahhing until I picked him up and brought him closer to the music. It made my day, nephews have a way of making the world a better place.
Today B"H I finished my shopping for camp now I just have to figure out how I am getting all the places I have to go in the next two weeks, but I can't think of that any more tonight or my brain might just turn to mush. Right now I just want to think about my nephew and dancing around my room holding him tight. Boy am I going to miss the kid.


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