
Disclaimer: Don't believe everything you read here, for it is a woman's prerogative to change her mind.

Monday, December 27, 2004

Moving Out

So Sunday is offically moving day. I got a great apartment and have started packing (ok so I have thought about starting packing, I know not the same thing). I have a lot to blog about but I am not in the mood, sorry. Life is awesome, I so nervous but I am very excited. I hope this move will be good for me, I know I need to do this. So I am. TTYL.

Wednesday, December 22, 2004


Never thought this day would come, all my papers handed in all my tests taken. It is all over. Yay, no more undergrad for me. Sorry I just need a few moments to celebrate. Yay! I know this is no suprise to anyone but I thought I would share anyway. Have a great vacation all those lucky enough to have one.

He is getting on my nerves

I mean really how long does it even take to ask directions. Hello, I am not getting any younger so please I beg of you just stop and ask someone for directions, it can only help the situation, I promise. And if someone directs you here, tell them you want real life directions not the stinky virtual replica. I know you hate gas stations but I am worth it, really I am.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

In 26 hours it will all be over

In the words of my most fav. artist:
I gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
I gotta make it, gonna make, gonna make it through
I'm gotta get through this
I gotta get through this
-Daniel Bedingfield
And I will, the end is in sight. So close I can feel it.
The end of a chapter and the dawn of a new one.
As a good friend (have we bonded yet?) told me late last night,
the winds of change are a coming (or something like that).

Monday, December 20, 2004

Random Acts of Kindness

I am told that people are evil, ok maybe not evil but self-centered and always expecting something in return. This story restored my hope in mankind and made me want to be a better person. This is a true story by the way and it just happened last night.
I was driving with a friend (she was driving I was in the passenger seat) to Target so she could get a print cartrige. It had started snowing (the first snow the year) and though there was not a lot of snow on the ground, the roads were starting to slick up. We did not realize just how bad things were until we turned on to a main road and hit a patch of ice. We were already going slowly so we didn't really skid, but my friend had a hard time getting traction so that she could go again. She was very nervous and noticed a car in front of us was having the same problem. So she put on her hazards and tried to think of how we would proceed.

As she was thinking of how to handle the situation a young man (prob. about my age) came and told us if we wanted better traction we should aim for the shoulder where snow was still shielding the ice. He offered to help us after he helped the car in front of us. By the time he had helped them we were already on our way, so we waved our thanks and kept on going. A few feet later, we started skidding towards the side of the road again. Once again everyone was inching along so we just kind of pulled over to the side but did not know how to proceed from there without assistance. Out of nowhere the guy from before pulls up next to us and asks us if we need help, we say we do. He starts to pull over to the side of the road but another car skids in to his. It is a minor accident since one car was standing still and the other going only about five miles an hour but still it is an accident. We are still stuck on the side of the road but doubt that he is going to help us when he is dealing with his own car now. So we watch as he exchanges words with the other driver (both seeming to understand that it was no ones fault). As we are thinking of who we can call for advice, we see him running towards our car. As if nothing had just happened he coaches us off the ice as he pushes from the side of our car. How awesomely amazing is this guy. When we are free to go, he runs back to his car before we can ask him his name or anything. My friend really wanted to get his number so we could properly thank him but in this weather we are not sure what stalling would do. Reluctantly but carefully we drive on, finding the safest way to go home with out going to Target.

This man had no reason to stop on a freezing cold snowy night. He had no reason to help out two strangers when he was stuck driving in this mess also. He had even less reason to stop and help after his car had been hit due to the ice. We got home safely and he prob. got stuck in the freezing cold waiting for the police to come to the crash scene. He got nothing out of helping us out. He could not have expected anything in return as we will never see him again.

He is a lesson to all of us. How many times in our own lives (I am talking to myself here too) do we pass up opportunities to help others out when we really have no excuse. We are not busy, it would not hurt us at all but we are just not in the mood. So we make up an excuse and we let some one else handle it. Sometimes we even do this when we might get a reward but we don't' think the reward is worth the effort. This guy had so many excuses and no reward and he jumped at the chance to help people in need. This was major mussar for me and major inspiration. I just wish we could find him and thank him in some small way for the big chessed he did.

Sunday, December 19, 2004

Feeling Validated

So for the first (or second time) ever a shaddchan told me I was right in turning down a guy she redt to me. B"H I am not crazy. Yay!
BTW (since I broke another no dating streak) This whole money for dates thing....
Yeah it is so not working for me.
Well, hope it is working for someone.
But I will finally be walking the down the aisle this week.
No not the grocery aisle (though I will be but that is not the point).
No not that one either.
Yeah you know what I am talking about don't pretend I haven't mentioned it like 100 times.
Dorky honors collar and all.
And you know what?
I am not in the mood.

Friday, December 17, 2004

Start Spreading the News

Ok, so my trip to Ny was successful B"H, nothing is finalized yet but I might get the job and I might have an apartment. To ifs but they aren't as big as they were when I left Baltimore the other day (what day is it today, I am totally thrown off). Anyway, things look good, still not counting them chickens but I did start counting the eggs (ok this metaphor has gone on too long right Leati?). One final and one paper before graduation. And hopefully only one more trip to Ny before "The Move". Well lets hope only one more trip cause I am broke and these trips are eating in to my rent money (anyone want to give me a loan?). Things are busy, my parents went out of town for a wedding I wanted to go to (going to the twin for shabbos) my grandparents are coming in on sunday, sheva brachas tuesday night, final wed., graduation thursday, party motzi shabbos and Ny on sunday. Insane? I think so. Guys, I think I am doing this and it is so scary. I have never been so scared in my life. This is huge for me and I know it will be amazing but gosh darn it, Ny scares me. Little apartments with no air and strangers as roommates scare me. Finding places to eat on shabbos when I don't even know the area, scares me. Not having internet access, freaks me out (and not cause I won't be able to blog, I might have to go get me a printed subway map and a phone book, yikes). Not having enough money to pay my first months rent scares me. But B"H if I look past the fear, there is excitement and intrigue. This is one big adventure and I am going to embrace it.

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

La La La

I just finished paper my blogging paper, yay. Now all I have left is a test (in about an hour) that I need to go study for (only hebrew should not be terriable) and then a test and paper for next wed. (not even thinking about them now, since the paper is almost done). Tom. it is off to Ny to see how many loose ends I can tie up (that is if I get the job in the end). It feels so good to be almost done. Life is B"H going so well I am just waiting for it to start unraveling (my optomisism is great, no?). I truely believe that Hashem has my best intrests in mind I just really hope that it is in my best intrest for this all to go smoothly because, I have stupidly worked up in my mind that it will. So much for not counting chickens. I Wish all you college people out the lots of luck on finals and stuff. I wish everyone a wonderful last few hours of Chanuka (yeah I know it ends tom.). Ttyl.

Sunday, December 12, 2004

Life is Crazy

None of you would understand, but trust me on this one.

So you read my blog

I have noticed that a few random blogs have me linked, I don't mind I just find it cute that random people have found (and read?) and than linked my blog, yet they do not comment. Another thing I noticed is that most of the blogs in my limited sphere of blogs, blog about stuff. I on the other hand blog about nothing. Yet, they read and they do not comment. I am waiting for the day when someone finally signs: Flairrah, I have been reading for a while and was holding myself back, but I just had to comment. Do you actually have a life, do you ever think about anything deeper than perhaps what homework you are putting off.
Come on children, I know you want to get it off you mind, I know not all of you get a kick out of my blog and even if you do (I am a mindless diversion, ahhh how I love mindless diversions....) leave me a note.
Note: This blog entry does not apply to you if your name is pam(who religiously signs), sasson (are you ever in the hood anymore), trw (cause we know what you think about commenting) Stx (one day you will explain that one to me), aishel (I forgive you for being otherwise occupied) or leati (cause I like you-see my away message).
For all the rest of you...yeah well you know what to do.

Saturday, December 11, 2004

Still Young

So I went to my first singles event and you know what, I was right all along, HASC was bad enough, I am too young for the real thing. Oy, to have to go through that with out my girls (campers) is just too much. Maybe next year, maybe next month but now I am too young. Anyway I have enough on my plate at the moment to be worrying about guys, give me a couple of weeks till my life is settled and then I will start worrying about finding someone who I can drive crazy for the rest of his life.
Hope everyone is having a great Chanukah and end of semester (for those of y'all in school). If I make it till tuesday I know I am good, then off to Ny for two days, then and only then will I worry about my last paper and final. Counting down, I will try and post often because once I move (If I move) I prob won't have the time or access to keep this up. But I will try and sneak on to tell you all the fun bits of my life in Ny (should be a party).
Got to hang out with the boys tonight (before the singles party). My oldest nephew is actually starting to get my name (he could not pronounce it before) it is so cute. The newest one is just edible (as are the two others) and I can't wait to hang out with him more when I move up there. Tanta Dis is going to be visiting, boys so watch out.
Is late and I have work tom (got to tell my boss I am prob. leaving, oy no fun), so I am off to bed. Sweet dreams.

Thursday, December 09, 2004

Still Juggling but keeping them up

So life is crazy, if you haven't figured that out yet. Basically, I am trying to graduate, try out at a job and look for a roommate all at the same time. Not to mention figure out how I am going to get all my junk up to Ny (but not even thinking about that now). B"H it is all happy stuff. Gosh, I hope this job works out because it was really so much fun.
I wanted to share a story about how Hashem is looking out for me every step of the way. Thursday, I usually go home with a girl whose last class ends when mine does. Today, she left early so I had to get a ride with my father (who picks me up on his way back from work an hour after my class ends). Well today, my class went like 15 minutes over so it was awesome that the girl wasn't taking me home cause I would have had to make her wait and that isn't nice. Then when I got out of class I called my father to see when he was leaving work and he said he was only five minutes away from campus. How awesome was that.
So much going on in life, no time to share it all. It would bore you anyway. Have a great shabbos.

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Breathe In, Breathe Out

Sorry, I just needed a reminder.
Dear Self,
It will all get done, I know it doesn't seem that way now, but it is the truth.
In two weeks you will look back and laugh. Well, when you wake up from your three day nap that is. Until then, Just Breathe.


Ok, lots to do and too few hours. My fault I did practically no work this week and now I am so far behind I can't even think straight. So, short and sweet, yesterday went almost too well. It was amazing and I hope it continues to be bec. I now want this job more than ever. They seemed to like me and the trial run went smoothly. Going up next week for one more run. Am not counting my chickens, but I am increasing my apartment search, so if any of y'all know of any flatbush girls looking for roomates, or families looking for boarders, let me know asap. All part of the chaos, but I think the end is in sight whether I like it or not. Going back to work, TTYL, leave me a message. So I have something to keep me a little sane. Happy Chanukah.

Monday, December 06, 2004

Sorry Y'all

I have been doing nothing, not homework, not blogging, not reading, nothing. I needed some space out time, some time to breath, so I took it and now I am making up for it. Ok, the pressure is on, two weeks, three finals and two papers (half done) to go. Going for an interview tom. hope it goes well, hope they just fall in love with me and hire me on the spot. I can dream right. That blows tom. as a work day but too bad, there is life after graduation. Then one rough draft should be done by thursday, the next by next monday (which is when test number one is). Then tuesday is test number two, then one paper due, friday the next the week after (wed) same as last final. Then I can breathe (maybe). Children we are in the home stretch. With Hashems help it should all go as is meant to go (which I am hoping is how I want it to go, but you never know) and I can move on to my next hurdle (or three). Chanukah is a time for dreamers (a title I wear with honor) so I am in my element (even if I find myself short of breath just thinking about the future). Wishing y'all a wonderful Chanukah full of dream fulfillment and the birth of even more pleasant dreams.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Don't get so excited

For some reason handing in papers makes me exhausted. Maybe it is because when I am writing a paper I forget to eat and while skipping meals used to make me sick it now make me incredibly tired. This is my theory, cause this is the second time in two weeks that after handing in a paper (and not eating) I came home to tired to do anything (not even look for food). Tonight I could not even eat supper with out taking a nap for half an hour. Yet after I ate dinner (and lunch for the last paper) I felt 100 times better, so who knows. So B"H I am wide awake now, when I should be shluffing. And really hungry, cause I really didn't eat today, but too lazy to go find food, eh.

Oh and the good news was that I got a really good grade on my first paper for the class I added late, so B"H I might actually get to keep my academic honors (something else to impress the boys with, or scare them away who knows). Have a great Shabbos everyone.

Good News

But to tired to blog about it. No Sasson, it is not what you are thinking.
Check back after my nap (in other words tom. morning) for a blog.
Sweet Dreams.

Wednesday, December 01, 2004

Another Blog Entry

I am pretending to write a paper on blogging (half a page down, yay) and while reading up on the topic I found that most people consider a blog, a website that has many entries daily. Ha, so many of us (well those of us who blog) write an entry weekly, but anyway to fulfill my requirement (and to waste more time) I am blogging for the second time today (don't forget to read the entry under this one also).
So, I have joined Frumster again (or upgraded to the emailing level of the site). I guess this means I am throwing myself back in to the dating pool (not that I ever really took myself out) and actively searching for that darn evasive guy out there who is scared of gas stations (to understand this line you got to know my famous I am not looking for the perfect guy away message and old h.com sig.). I know this has no bearing on any of y'all lives but I thought I would share anyway (since when does anything I write about affect any of y'all anyway).
And as the start date of the Star K shidduch plan nears, I will remind my dear readers (specifically those who know me in real life-as in not cyberspace for those who don't know what real life means) that they too have a chance to cash in, if they can only find the ever evasive guy (aka my bashert) and send him my way. Thats all for now children, hope that this fulfills my blogging requirement for today.


So, I got a job interview in Ny next tuesday (only skipping Hebrew class) and well, I am very nervous. I really want this job. Since I am coming in from Baltimore they are letting me do the interview and one of my trial days (didn't know you had to do trial days) at the same time. So basically I have to go in to the program so that they can see how I interact with the people who work there and the clients. For those of you who have no background in to the special ed. community, I will tell you a little about the job I am applying for. It is a job in a Day Hab, which is where people are trainers or counselors in a day program that is aimed towards making people in developmentally disabled 'homes' more independent. I would work with adults in who are mentally retarded (yes, you can use the term if it is applicable) on learning and honing daily living tasks and other assorted things. Now I have a lot of experience in special education and working with the developmentally disabled, but most of my work in the past has been with children. Kids ranging between 7 and 15. This program is for adults. I have some but very little experience in this area, and for this reason I am extremely nervous. I know a few people working in these types of jobs and most of them had little to no experience in this population at all, so in that vain I have some advantage, but still I am nervous. Prob. cause I want the job so badly, I need this job to get me out of Baltimore, and I need to know that I am going to have this job so that I can start planning my move to Ny.
As a side note I am still trying to start my paper on Blogging. I need some inspiration, wait no time for that, the rough draft is due tom. at 4, ahh I better get to work.
Leave me a comment, you know how I love them.